
Showing posts from July, 2020

Minimalism: The way of living you desperately need

In the life full of chaos, hectic and full of materialistic things, million repetitive thoughts, minimalism is coming up with a real hope for millennials. It is not only allowing to life more fully but also removing the mental burden of earning lots of money that was created by our previous generation. It is becoming a tool to provide a sense of freedom. Well, some people describe minimalism as restricting themselves to live with very less, don’t own a home, live in a motor home whole life, don’t go for a dinner in a fine restaurant, you can’t really have a family or a normal life – that’s bullshit! Minimalism is basically owning fewer possessions or simply living with the things that you really need but it doesn’t mean you are restricted to something, it isn’t about restricting – its about giving you ultimate freedom. The Minimalists define it in these golden words: Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happines...

Political future after corona virus

Just after the lockdown was announced in most of the countries, unanticipated things started to happen, including mass migration, losing jobs and this resulted in discomfort towards power, whether it was Trump or Modi but how this is moving towards changing the political scenarios is something to think about. Like emergency, lockdown will give birth to several new interests and ideological beliefs, thus result in forming many political parties, this time, the concern will be economic and of course solidarity and promises to labours. Bunch of dropouts will stand up with political aspirations and Labour Janta party or similar will evolve with lots of support from those will be starting to recover from the pandemic. They will see hope in them, so will the existing Netas for their political future and the long term investment. “If no Modi then who” and then “who’s after Modi” will win seats with thoughts “Modi could do better or if he wasn’t a one-man army” or something similar will be hea...